Share you Rooster pictures here :)

This fella doesn't have a name because we eat the roos, but we might keep him on account of being handsome. I just love the brown jacket on his shoulders. ~5 months, Black Australorp X Rhode Island Red.

Not sure wut he is just got him he is mean as all get out to all the other chickens i'm going to give him a few more daz then he is out....

Not sure wut he is just got him he is mean as all get out to all the other chickens i'm going to give him a few more daz then he is out....

This fella doesn't have a name because we eat the roos, but we might keep him on account of being handsome. I just love the brown jacket on his shoulders. ~5 months, Black Australorp X Rhode Island Red.

Yay amazing!!!!
My super monster Silkie "Milk Tea".
He's next to our oversized silkie and a large market chicken who was saved from the market.
This boy is larger than our Houdan rooster, who was big for his breed.

Cant believe his size, probably 7 pounds or 4 kilos and his body hasnt filled out to his bone structure yet.
He's about 6 months old now.

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I recently got a new roo, Bandit :) He's so handsome and has settled right in with my girls nicely. He's very sweet and docile, and sweet to my girls. He's a Cochin. I have 2 Cochin hens and I can't wait to hatch out some of his babies with them!


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