Share your natural Easter Egg baskets photos

Lady of McCamley

Free Ranging
13 Years
Mar 19, 2011
NW Oregon
To all my friends on BYC....

I'm getting my egg baskets done this weekend...without any dye this year!

Now, please post your pretty egg baskets...NO dye...Nothing on the egg to change its natural color from the hen (washing dirt off okay, adding stickers okay)...NO artificial enhancement with photo shop (editing okay to get the color as you would see with the natural eye since flash washes stuff out...we know monitors will be different...just make it look right on your monitor).

Have fun!

Lady of McCamley

BTW: Let's list breed too....BCM (dark and dark with blush), BSL, Wyandotte/Welsummer, Buckeye and Rhodebar (medium tan range) EE's (green and blue), Leghorn mix (light cream)
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