Share your pictures of Dust/Dirt Baths

This is definitely an "action" photo!

Just put my chickens out in the coop tonight. Some went right to the feed, others immediately started taking dust baths. I lived on a farm the first 17 years of my life and I don't ever remember seeing a dust bath. It's really entertaining, in fact, if I had had a six pack in the coop my evening would have been set!!! There are at least 7 baths taking place on this picture!
I have to crack up every time one of our chickens takes a dirt bath. Mike found the dirt we used to fill a hole in our yard, and he wasn't sharing with anyone!

Share your pictures or videos of your chickens taking their baths
That bottom one looks like the other hens are burying him!!!!!!!!!!
The miscreants first dustbathing session, I call the four because one tried to topple the top hen, a second one hid in a shed to lay eggs and a third managed to get over next doors fence and scare their cat.

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