Shave or pluck?

Whoa, whoa, whoa... Did I miss the "leave it or remove it" question altogether?!? Why does removing it seem to be a foregone conclusion?
Don't start shaving until everyone you know and especially those you don't know ask when you think you might straighten the facial hair up a bit. My two cents are to wait until it looks a lot like a goatee before starting to shave. Plucking just doesn't quite sound right either. It has been a while, do 9 year olds care how they look?
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Well in this case because the hair this am was ingrown with pus. It was tweezed. From here forward we'll need to form a plan.

and reminder he's NINE, if he was 16 with peach fuzz fine, his choice, at 9 it's my call.

He's a 4'9 tall size 8 shoe wearing 9 year old, puberty and growth spurts came early. He already looks a few years older than he is, I'm trying to minimize that.
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What does your son think? I'm sure he's walking pretty tall. As I remember mine went around telling everyone he was growing a beard!!
Let the kid at least show it off awhile to his buddies, eh?
AND speaking from personal experience with DS at that age, HIDE all sharp objects to curtail unguided and embarrassing experiments.

edited to add: that's experiments in hair removal. oops. Hair removal folks!
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That's the problem, he's 9 but is taller than the 13 year olds, add some chin hairs, and he looks like he's even older. Looking years older isn't always a good thing.
It's never a good thing until they are past 21. Seems to get them in trouble and even if they are a "good kid" people expect them to behave older than they are or accept more responsiblity.

My daughter had the opposite problem - since she is little for her age, the general public seems to baby her. In 6th grade one teacher talked to her in baby talk when she first met her. "Well aren't you the cutest little thing!"


If only they knew that she was quite the troublemaker when she was a baby/toddler.
My poor sister has her hands full with my niece - at 12 she was as tall as me (5'10"). So much trouble from people thinking she's supposed to behave more maturely OR people thinking she's 'legal'

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