She Must Be a Mix of Breeds - But What?


Woody Hollow
15 Years
Sep 23, 2007
Beaufort, MO
This is Mops. She is the matriarch of the flock and does not lay any longer but is the only remaining chicken I have from my first incubation of six years ago. What breeds do you think she is?




She is adorable and I also hope you have some of her offspring around. I have no idea what breeds she might be a mix of.
I have a hen that was hers and did have these three until my dog got loose and grabbed each one individually and ran in the woods to - I guess - bury them. He would come right back after the next one. I could not catch him or the poor little ones going crazy. I cried. Mops was the best little mama. That dog NEVER got loose again.


Her feet used to be totally covered with feathers and could not see her feet or legs at all. That's why her name was Mops. She is mainly bare-legged now.
Love the orange cockerel.

Hard to say what she is. She doesn't have any Brahma traits except the feathered shanks, which, lots of breeds have those. She's got EE traits though, but she also has a bantam looking face, as if there's bantam back there. Or a breed with a similar face.

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