Shelf liner


5 Years
Oct 7, 2014
I have read about using rubber shelf liner in the bottom of a brooder but what about using it in the bottom of the chicken coop covered with pine shavings - it seems like that could be rolled up and cleaned and put back really easily.
With all the scratching and pecking my chickens do, I'd be afraid they'd rip it up, eat it, or worse yet, leave even more for me to have to rake !!! But if you do try it, let us know how it works out.
With all the scratching and pecking my chickens do, I'd be afraid they'd rip it up, eat it, or worse yet, leave even more for me to have to rake !!!  But if you do try it, let us know how it works out.:thumbsup

Agreed. Might depend on the size of your coop though! Come drop in on the Utah thread! What part are you from?
They only stay in the coop at night - the rest of the time they are outside, but that might change in the winter.

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