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As Jadyn, Sophie, and Connie ate, the SALVATION charged towards the Shifters camp as fast as the entine crew could get the ship to go. As they approached the camp, Dirk remembered the deflector shield and grabbed a TV-remote-looking device out of his jacket pocket. He aimed it foreward then punched a few buttons. A few seconds later, the shield generator accepted the command it had been given and de-activuated the shield it projected. The camp was no longer hidden and Baelz ordered for the ship to be put down in the clearing in the middle of the camp. The big transport stood with parts hanging over several of the buildings, but the large amount of clearance given by its landing gear prevented any contact with the structures. The shield generator turned back on and Baelz turned the cloaking device off. He had to let it cool down some to prevent an overload and conserve reactor power. To anyone outside, it looked like the huge ship simply materialized in the middle of the camp. As the boarding ramp began to lower to the ground, Baelz's timer read 49 minutes to firing possition. Not enough time, if you asked him.

(We'are gonna need SCD for this part)

Gender: F

Rank: Healer

Appearance:waist length blond hair wheres jeans and a tee shirt sometimes wheres a hoodie.


Personality:very nice, loyal, loves helping others.

Morphs:White Lion.Bald Eagle,and Cat


BYC Username:chickenlover24/7


(Cool, someone new finally joined! Maybe this will be enough to jump-start this thread again!)

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