Shipped Fertilized Eggs


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 14, 2014
I'm getting my first fertilized eggs tomorrow in the mail, and I have heard you let them sit for 12 -24 hours before you put them in the incubator. So this being my first time, I was wondering what you guys do.
I just put my first (shipped) eggs in the incubator on Tuesday. I let mine sit, fat end up, for 24 hours before setting them. Not sure of the outcome yet, but that's the conclusion I came to.
Good luck, and let us know how they do. :)
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I also got my first shipment of hatching eggs yesterday and put them in the bator today. 2 dozen Silver Penciled rocks from dick horstman.Sure hope they do well.
I'm getting my first fertilized eggs tomorrow in the mail, and I have heard you let them sit for 12 -24 hours before you put them in the incubator. So this being my first time, I was wondering what you guys do.

I also let mine sit, fat end up for 24 hours before putting in the incubator. I also candle before putting in to check the air cells to see if any have separated or are flattened out. If there appears to be a problem, I put them in the incubator without turning for the first three days. Sometimes the air cell will come together then.

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