Should have asked this last night - really bad weather?


11 Years
Jul 10, 2010
southern AL
What do you do with your ducks.
Mobile is under a tornado warning. I think we may still be under a watch, but DH said the storm is REALLY BAD in Mobile (where he is) and I can hear it now and it should be here shortly.
Ducks are just out rooting around in the wind right now. Should I put them back in the duck house and close them in or put some water in the tub or close them in the shower and bring them inside?
I locked them in their house with peas and a dish of water. I'll them them out when the nastiness has past. Now under a tornado warning for another 30 mins or more.
I hope you and all your babies made it through the storms fine.
Tornadoes have touched down in Mobile, but we are doing fine here so far. Lots of rain and noise and a light show.
The ducklets would have a blast in the lake in front of our garage (dirt was delivered 2 days ago and the builder hasn't been back yet to do the final grading, so lake in front of the garage as the water made it's way through the pile of dirt.
I let them out now that the worst of the storm is over. They are enjoying the lake in the backyard for now
Glad they made it through fine! If something like that ever happened, I would worry too much, and finally bring them inside for a girls night!
Great, that nasty weather is headed this way and all my ducklies, except the 2 new Muscovy are out on the farm. They often hunker under our deck but if it is blowing too bad then they want back in the coop, which is not open because of the 2 chickens.
Its duck weather here too, no high winds but LOTS of rain, ducklings are in the spare room older Ell & Gem are out in the rain digging mud puddles as we speak with the rest of the ducks. I was busy in the old house making a gate blocking off doors, only thing I have to do is sweep the floor and put down the mats and the ducks are ready to be evicted over there and out of my spare room. Sold 4 of the ducklings today and gave them a dozen eggs to put in their bator for free. Hey, they might aswell or I would of only fed them to the dogs. Good day all round here

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