Should I add some more chickens to my flock


In the Brooder
5 Years
May 12, 2014
Up state NY
I have 5 pourcelian D'Uccle 2 are roosters ( I will keep one) and I have 4 Dominique's 3 are roosters one is a hen I will only keep Her. They are all 8 weeks old. Someone is coming tomorrow to take the roosters. All together I will have 4 hens and one rooster. I originally wanted 6 hens and one rooster ( funny how things turned out) Here is my question. Should I keep things like this (5) or should I find a few more hens. And should I get small chicks or get some around the same age. I live in the northeast and I was thinking there would be worth in numbers come winter. Please let me know your thoughts on this.......
a lot depends on your space, what seems like a lot of space for chicks, can often get too small as the birds reach full size. Another thing to consider, is how big is your household, how many eggs do you need. Currently I have 6 layers and am getting close to 6 eggs a day, and that adds up quick! Of course it is summer, and hens lay most consistently in the summer.

Many times as I consider expanding my flock, I wonder why I try to keep it up to the dozen birds, as truthfully, 4-6 birds fills my needs quite well year round, and I have enough eggs to give some away too as a favor.

It sounds like you are just getting started. I would recommend that you keep your 5 pullets, gain some experience and perhaps consider some new chicks next year. Adding birds to a flock is often times a headache.

Mrs K

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