Should I brood new chicks under Mama?

Georgia Nana

8 Years
Jul 13, 2011
Kathleen, Georgia
I have a Silkie hen that hatched 2 chicks yesterday and day before. She is still sitting on eggs, and none of them are pipping yet. I have sprinkled food into the nest box, and I watched the 2 little ones peck just a little bit, but the water saucer is right outside the nest box. Should I remove the babies and put them in the brooder until Mama either hatches the other eggs, or I discard them? She won't leave the nest box and I am worried that the babies won't get the proper food and water. I am NEW to this, and need all the help I can get! What should I do?
They'll be fine. The chicks don't need to eat anything for the first 3 days after hatching as they are living on the yolk they absorb just before they hatch. Mom hen will probably get off the nest by later today/tomorrow and then you can check if the remaining eggs are viable.
You can candle them to see if the chick pipped internally (into the air sac), or tap them, that's what I usually do. Hold the egg snug against your ear and tap it gently with your fingernail. If there is a live chick in there it will let you know all about it. I'd suggest you candle them quickly before tapping to check if the egg developed. If the entire egg, except the air cell, is dark it means there is likely a full term, or near full term chick in there.

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