Should I get a goose?

Here's my reasoning, over the past two weeks a large red tailed hawk has been attacking the covered run and freaking out the hens 3-6 times per day. Due to this the egg production has been down because of the stress they've had. As well as us not being able to range them outside the smaller covered like we used to because the rooster do nothing to protect the hens. Because of not being able to range them on plants and bugs the feed cost is up and if we let them out the hawk will kill them. I've been thinking about a watchdog/guardian for them because there have also been foxes as well, I came upon geese. I'm thinking about a tufted roman but I have never had geese and can't find anywhere where I can get one gosling. How do you care for geese and any ideas where I can get just one?
We have guineas and some hens who from the sky look like ravens. Hawks are afraid of ravens. Australorps and Jersey Giants work really well.
Or should I get two?
When I lived in the woods my birds free ranged. I had an Australian cattle dog and she wouldn’t let any animal including hawks into the yard which was acres - about one acre mowed. We saw her chase and grab a young hen from the talons of a red tailed Hawk once. After that the Hawk stayed away. We had the run covered with fishing line in a zig zag pattern so hawks never flew into the chicken yard. Some would fly out which the dog guarded. We did have an occasional night raid by raccoons when the birds - and the dog - were locked up. Those varmints we trapped and killed.
A heavy hen can’t be carried off. Hawks are much more likely to go after smaller white birds like leghorns. Easy to see.
Should you get a goose? Yes. The answer is always yes.
Get a few of them, the ones that don’t work out (if any) make great eating! We have a ton of hawks, eagles, ravens, and owls in our area and not once have we seen one swoop at our birds or lost one to a raptor. Just their presence is likely to make raptors keep their distance. We have a larger flock of geese because we love them so much, but they are housed with the chickens in our shed. They layer nicely since chickens roost and geese use the floor. If you raise them around your chickens you shouldn’t have a problem. They are so sweet and goofy, you’ll love them! I’ve gotten ours from Metzer and Cackle. The biggest drawback with geese is how addicting they are.
Here's my reasoning, over the past two weeks a large red tailed hawk has been attacking the covered run and freaking out the hens 3-6 times per day. Due to this the egg production has been down because of the stress they've had. As well as us not being able to range them outside the smaller covered like we used to because the rooster do nothing to protect the hens. Because of not being able to range them on plants and bugs the feed cost is up and if we let them out the hawk will kill them. I've been thinking about a watchdog/guardian for them because there have also been foxes as well, I came upon geese. I'm thinking about a tufted roman but I have never had geese and can't find anywhere where I can get one gosling. How do you care for geese and any ideas where I can get just one?
Put rope or string over top of area. Have a friend that uses flags on poles. String is cheap and hawks won't fly down.
They layer nicely since chickens roost and geese use the floor. If you raise them around your chickens you shouldn’t have a problem.
I ordered straight-runs of dual purpose chicks (Murray McMurray) and Buff goslings (Welp) to raise together in the end of May. The purpose was to have the nicest mating pair of the geese for guarding the flock and rehome/eat the rest. I want to have the whole group mobile during the warm months in a good sized "tractor" and Premier1 netting, then housed together like you have described in the cooler months. My issue will be in spring when/if they decide to engage in the mating season. I know they will probably have to be 2+ years to breed, but I wonder if the aggression is still there.
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Here's my reasoning, over the past two weeks a large red tailed hawk has been attacking the covered run and freaking out the hens 3-6 times per day. Due to this the egg production has been down because of the stress they've had. As well as us not being able to range them outside the smaller covered like we used to because the rooster do nothing to protect the hens. Because of not being able to range them on plants and bugs the feed cost is up and if we let them out the hawk will kill them. I've been thinking about a watchdog/guardian for them because there have also been foxes as well, I came upon geese. I'm thinking about a tufted roman but I have never had geese and can't find anywhere where I can get one gosling. How do you care for geese and any ideas where I can get just one?
We bought three Embden Geese one gander and tow geese. We were told these geese would protect the chickens. That worked great! But only until they we about 5 months old. They began to run boss over the chickens than frightened the heck out of the chickens. Then they killed one of the 19 chickens. Now we have to keep them completely apart.

Maybe its the breed of geese, I really don't know. But my initial advice is don't buy a Embden goose and expect the to be kind to your chickens.
Geese are going fast.
We bought three Embden Geese one gander and tow geese. We were told these geese would protect the chickens. That worked great! But only until they we about 5 months old. They began to run boss over the chickens than frightened the heck out of the chickens. Then they killed one of the 19 chickens. Now we have to keep them completely apart.

Maybe its the breed of geese, I really don't know. But my initial advice is don't buy a Embden goose and expect the to be kind to your chickens.
That's exactly what I'm expecting to do.

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