Should I get Drake?


9 Years
Nov 20, 2014
My duck coop
We are getting golden 300 ducks in february. We order 10 from 8 are mixed/random gender. 2 are sexed females. We were going to sell the 8 mixed ducks, but are wondering should we keep a drake so we can get ducklings. We want to watch them because they are cute watch them hatch and then sell them at some point. Thats why we want a drake. But would a drake be mean to the 2 hens or does it just matter on the duck its self.

Thanks Crazy4Fowl
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I would raise all of them, pick out the females and keep one drake. The drake/ duck ratio is 1 drake to 5-6 hens. It is fun to hatch ducklings and I think everyone should have the experience
For our breeders we have 1 drake and 2-3 hens but, we have Silver a larger breed the drake has a hard time keeping up with more than 2-3 hens. You should be fine with a drake and only 2 hens but, keep an eye on them and if the hens are looking picked on then separate the drake for a while. After mating you can expect a hen to lay fertile eggs for 2-3 weeks.
Once our drakes turn a year old their sex drive drops off and they are really only interested in mating in the late winter/spring.
Our ducks don't bother our chickens at all, thought it is not unheard of. The ducks all hang out together and the chickens all hang out together. They share a coop and a run and we haven't had any problems. Again, you'll just have to keep an eye on things.

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