Should I help this baby hatch??


May 23, 2015
I have a chick that has piped through the shell over 12 hours ago. It hasnt even attempted to try and hatch out anymore. So I inteviened and helped with the zipping process. I dont know if I should continue interviening or let nature take its course. This chick was not in an incubator it was from a broody hen. But the hen had already killed 2 hatchlings so I decided to save this one. Someone please give me some advice.
help it out just make sure you take a bit of extra care and teach it to drink and eat and stuff
teach it to drink by dipping its beak in water (if you didnt know)
it should learn to eat on its own
Its still in the egg... It hasnt fully hatched yet. I need to know if i should finish helping the baby hatch.. And how i should go about doing so.
you should help him out
by carefully opening the shell if he has already made a hole in it make the hole bigger and see if its alive if so help it the rest of the way (most people say not to but if he isnt willing to open it the rest of the way go ahead)
Okay thank you. I got advice from a friend who raises chickens and i was actually able to help the little chicky to get out of his shell. Its doing good so far. Thanks for the help though.

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