Should I HELP this chick that is hatching?


6 Years
Feb 20, 2013
berks county, Pa
It has been about 24 hours since it piped but it is on the bottom front of the egg where I can see, I am pretty sure I see its beak, but all the other ones that piped are on the top of the egg. Should I turn the egg or wait? Thanks for any help this is my first time hatching.
thanks I have the Brinsea mini advance incubator first time I am trying to hatch. only fits 7 eggs so far all have piped. The one that I think is having trouble was the first to pip but I guess they also say they can be the last to hatch. so I will wait it out all 5 pip from the top and I have another one from the bottom. I have to leave for work soon, cant wait to get home. thanks again.

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