Should I help yet?

Lalo Moreno

Jun 7, 2017
The two final eggs in my incubator have pipped and started zipping. Now they both just stoped and have been there. One for around 40 hours the other for maybe a bit over 24. U think they are shrink wrapped. Since I opened my incubator to take out the chicks without realizing that the two had pipped on the other side of the egg. The one over 40 hours I already helped. I broke the outside shell finishing the pipp, he’s still alive he just can’t break the membrane. The other I haven’t done anything too. All he is doing is just trying to force himself out. What should I do?
After almost a 20 minute operation the one that is 40 hours has been removed from his shell. The reason if delayed hatch was due to the membrane being stuck to him. I placed him back into the incubator he is very tired but breathing. His bigger test now is to survive. I’ve decided to give the other one a bit more time.
Assuming the "hatched" had absorbed all it's yolk. You can put some coconut oil on the membrane if any is still stuck, hopefully it will work it's was loose. Good leaving in the incubator, he must be very tired. He probably couldn't break the membrane as it had thickened due to drying out.

The other, has it pipped? You say it's trying to push it's way out, what are you seeing? If you opened the pipped end, put some coconut oil on the membrane to keep it from drying out. Careful with the membrane, if you see any veins or unabsorbed yolk, leave it but keep it moist with the coconut oil.
Assuming the "hatched" had absorbed all it's yolk. You can put some coconut oil on the membrane if any is still stuck, hopefully it will work it's was loose. Good leaving in the incubator, he must be very tired. He probably couldn't break the membrane as it had thickened due to drying out.

The other, has it pipped? You say it's trying to push it's way out, what are you seeing? If you opened the pipped end, put some coconut oil on the membrane to keep it from drying out. Careful with the membrane, if you see any veins or unabsorbed yolk, leave it but keep it moist with the coconut oil.

The other piped and did not zip. Instead it’s trying to force itself through the pipp hole. Which it made larger. Big enough to fit his head through (hasn’t yet).
Both made it out. After examining them I have decided to cull the older one. He has a messed up leg and part of his intestines outside his body. The other seems to be doing great.
Sorry to hear the older one has issues, your decision isn't the easiest to make :hugs Glad to hear the younger one is doing well, need to get it some company. In the mean time a feather duster or cuddly towel or stuffed animal will do along with heat & a mirror. Enjoy ;)

He has plenty of company.


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