Should I let my ducks free choice feed all day?


7 Years
Dec 2, 2012
I'm wondering of I should allow my runner ducks to free choice feed all day. Or should I feed them at a specific time (eg. am and pm)? They can really make an awful mess and I feel like a lot of food is being wasted. They are still young and not fully feathered out so I don't want to interfere with proper growth and Developemental but obviously want to do the right thing. Any ideas???
I really don't know the scientific answer to this one. (was wondering myself) But I can tell you what I have done!

I guess it all depends how old your ducklings are. For the first 3 or so weeks my ducklings had free choice of food all day. I had a bottle feeder and if I filled it up in the morning it would last them all day (and night when they were brand new) I would NOT refill it in the evening. Once I moved them outside (around 4-6 weeks) I started giving them food in the morning at noon and in the evening. They weren't as dependent on the food, since they were older, and were eating bugs etc.

Hopes that helps. Those ducklings sure can be messy!
My ducks are from age 9yrs to 10 months and I still have food out for them through the day even though they can range around the property,
Just something I've always done.
I've always kept food available to them all day. They forage outside and eat when they want...i just always have figured when i watch the wild ducks they seem to eat throughout the day, so i allow my own ducks to just eat when they're hungry..and if i'm at work and they happen to run out of food, i fill it when i get home and they act like they're half i keep the feeder full

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