Should I move baby chics...


In the Brooder
Oct 23, 2018
Greetings community...
I need some advice, as Im new to the hatching part of raising chickens. My game hen has hatched out some chicks. Im not sure how many yet she was sitting on 11. Conveniently she chose to have her nest inside the storage building in the corner on TOP of a piece of plywood held up by question is should I move all of them to the ground? Put a brooder box up on the plywood?Bring them inside lol? Or leave her alone? Im conserned the babies will not have room to walk around or fall off the board :( any advice would be great! Thank you in advance!
Greetings community...
I need some advice, as Im new to the hatching part of raising chickens. My game hen has hatched out some chicks. Im not sure how many yet she was sitting on 11. Conveniently she chose to have her nest inside the storage building in the corner on TOP of a piece of plywood held up by question is should I move all of them to the ground? Put a brooder box up on the plywood?Bring them inside lol? Or leave her alone? Im conserned the babies will not have room to walk around or fall off the board :( any advice would be great! Thank you in advance!
I think I would set up some 1/2 " plastic garden fencing to contain them until mom finishes hatching. Then I would move them into a ground level, secured & sheltered area. Be sure your temporary fencing is tight because they can escape through the tiniest holes and they Will walk right off the edge of the plywood. Chicks have no fear of falling.
Good luck and enjoy!
Thank you. The mama seems to be a lot more feisty today and 2 more have hatched. I put up a little wall for the chicks and i think ill wait until they all hatch to move them. Ill post pictures soon.

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