Should I open [...] Updated: Opened one


9 Years
Jan 30, 2010
End of day 23 here! Just candled the last 2 eggs.

One had a clearly defined air cell, no noticed movement, and a space between the dark mass of chick and air cell.

The other has no defined air cell, and, no defined anything. It's one big black mass.

Neither chirp or scratch.

The LG does not seem to want to go past 98.7 degrees now, except for one spike of 109. (Unsure of how long at 109, it wasn't for long though.) Boyfriend wants to wait until tomorrow. Been keeping humidity 60%+, even with caring for the 3 chicks in there.

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If it were me I would give the air cell one a couple more days. I would remove and inspect the black mess one you describe just for educational purposes and after two more days I would crack the other one open too for the same educational reason, but that is just me. You said three hatched? When did they come out? and how many did you start with?
Started with 10 Shipped Eggs. 1 Leghorn, 2 Silver Laced Wyandottes, 7 Sizzle Silkies. 1 Clear, 1 Busted Yolk, 1 Busted Aircell/Quitter, 2 Quitters.

The first hatched one Day 21, and the other 2 hatched on day 22. Last one didn't break the membrane on most sides and needed help out. She still fully zipped the egg shell off though.

Very tempted to open the black mass one, for educational purposes as you suggest, but at the same time I feel like I would get sick at the little one inside it. (Very active mama genes in me.

EDIT// Oh, all 5 that made it to incubator were Sizzle Silkies.
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If I open, will do! Both wyandotte eggs quit and became smelly... The only ones that I didn't open to see what happened.
Just finished opening the black mass one.

Result: Shrink Wrapped/Dead

Cause: Humidity Drop

Tools Used: Tweezers
5/64" Flathead screw driver

Sanitation: Plastic Wrap on area of procedure
Washed every tool/gloves in steaming hot water
Blow dried

Time: 9 minutes 54 seconds

Started where aircell is. (Big end) Used flathead and spoot somewhat as a chisel. Only went deep enough to completely break the shell, not membrane. Used screwdriver as a lever to lift up more shell, tweezers to remove.

Membrane felt like vaguely damp papyrus paper. Removed more shell and membrane to see chick. Membrane surrounding chick wet, but tight.

Chick dead on opening, looked vaguely squished.

EDIT// Oh, chick's head was not faced down, not up towards are cell. Unsure of what to call the head's position?
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