should i pull them out?


8 Years
Jan 27, 2011
i have 2 eggs that have stopped growing completely, it is not getting any darker inside them while the other 5 are on day 14/15 and are almost all black, these two look more like day 3/4. should i just go ahead a pull them? i am 99.9999% sure they are dead, not growing, nothing moving inside them, nothing.
I have no words of wisdom, but just be very careful. I am just incubating our first eggs ever altho I've had chickens for yrs. I was candling and thought I had a dead one. looked dark, no movement, no growth for days, etc. I cracked into a bowl to investigate and try to learn what went wrong. I was so sad because it was actually alive and looked normal for the day it should have been. I cold even still see the heartbeat still for a moment. I felt pretty low about being a baby chicken killer, even tho we eat eggs and chicken! So just be extra sure before you toss it.
Its best just to leave them in until the end. I did the same thing on my first run - killed 3.

I would rather not know what is going on in there than risk losing more like that.
I had a couple like that, actually, had 4, but being a novice it wasn't that obvious to me. Anyway, on day 10ish, I opened one up, said, "OH it is an undeveloped yolk", opened up the next one, which was the same and considered myself a little more knowledgable. There was absolutely no development, so I called them unfertile eggs.

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