Should I put a heat lamp on


11 Years
Jun 24, 2008
Hi I'm new to this chicken thing so I have 26 8 week old chicks, which I have (7 )bantams 2 barred rock banty 5 silkies. the rest are RIR,EE's Doms,Red Star, Leghorn,Astrops (sorry for the spelling I'm sure it's not correct)

Do they need heat. It will be freezing temps tonight, they have been out for 5 weeks they only had the heat lamp first 2 days when they first went into the outside coop which is 5X6 . I think they will be alright but not sure, I did put straw in and they have 3" of shavings. Should I put a heat light on for them or not ?
It wouldn't hurt them to have a light. That way the smaller ones won't get mashed by the bigger ones, if they decide to pile up to get warm. You could put it in the corner, so they could get under if they need it.
At only 8 weeks old, they need the heat lamp for sure. They full feather about 8 - 10 weeks but are still small. I would have a heat lamp for them if it is below 50 personally.
Thanks for the insight. I will put a heat lamp on for them. I justed didn't want them to get use to it and than be cold in the winter. I planned to use a light when the temps went down around 28-30 inside the coop. I also have a heated water base for their water does that give off any heat ?


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