Should I sell my roosters to someone that wants all of them?

Please remember from the rules:

2. No PETA or Cock fighting posts, period!

It's too touchy of a subject.

As for selling them all... it is up to to what to do with the roosters and who to sell too. That said, I eat all my own and perhaps you should put in an ad they are for eating or pets? Some may not want to tell you they are going to eat them because they know the nature of pet chicken owners is to want all the roos to be pets...

Unfortunately, chicks are born 1:1 and the adult ratio of boys to girls should be at least 1:10... I figure, if I eat them and make soup, I know where they went.​
I apologize I didn't realize I was breaking the rules.

I would love to be able to keep them until they're big enough to eat, that was my original plan but now I'm afraid I'll lose my whole flock due to the "noise violation".

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