Should I trim this beak?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Nov 11, 2012
Southcentral Alaska
Have a hen here that I think may need a small beak trim. It curves quite a bit past the lower beak part. Also the tip is thin and almost see through. What are your experiences with such a matter? Do you trim beaks like this or just let them go? Do you think it makes it harder to eat?

Also, the toe nail are like little daggers. Quite long (I have big hands so it's hard to guesstimate a length from the pics). Should I trim these too? All my hens have a large run, but this one stays in more. Doesn't dig as much. She used to be quite social and friendly, but now quite laid back. Never runs over when scraps are handed out like she used to. Perhaps old age?

Let me know your opinions.

Here's another article and a thread on beak trimming so long while we figure out what the problem with that article is

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