Should I worry about calcium with new chicks?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 27, 2011
Should I be supplementing my new chicks with calcium right away? I thought the chicks only needed calcium once they were hitting about 6 mos. old. I don't have my chicks yet they are on order and will be here on May 11th. I am all set with feed, pine shavings, heat lamp and brooder/nursery area but I hadn't considered a calcium supplement so soon.
Chick Starter feed will have everything they need.

Not to worry.
Plus, chicks do NOT need supplemental calcium - it's actually bad for them. They shouldn't get any until they are laying.

GRIT you may need if you give them any treats (when they're about 2 weeks old) which requires "chewing." Like mealworms, or any greens. Other than yogurt or scrambled or boiled egg, they'd need some grit. All purpose or construction sand will serve that purpose, and it's very cheap when bought in 50 lb bags at a home improvement store. You can use most of it in the run in a dishpan or something similar for dust bathing, so you won't waste your 3 or 4 bucks for the bag....
Thanks for the information. I didn't remember my Mom feed any calcium to her chicks...but I wasn't always paying attention either. My husband works in construction so grit isn't hard to come by at all. I really got a laugh out of some bags of "crushed organic granite" I saw.

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