Should my run have a roof?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 21, 2011
Upperco, MD
My boyfriend and I hatched 12 lovely chickens in October and started constructing their run yesterday. It is 25 ft. x 16 ft. and 8 feet high. There is a tree is by the run that will provide shade, but I am worried if predators will hang out in it as well. Should I put on a roof? Some friends with chickens dont have roofs and have never had problems with predators but I am worried. What do you think?

We don't have a cover over the run and haven't had problems. But my aunt has lost many chickens to predators and is now making an owl and hawk proof run with wire across the top to keep her new chickens safe.

It really depends on how much each indivdual chicken means to you if you don't mind losing a couple then don't cover it but if you want to keep them all safe a net over the top would be enough to stop most predators.
Yes, hawks/owls may be a problem if you don't have a covered run. Here's a video of hawk getting into a coop w/out covered run (note -- nothing bloody, but there is a lot of very sad squawking at the end).

Thanks a lot for the video. I will definitely be putting a top on mine now! Thankfully the computer I am using doesn't have sound - made it a lot less sad for me!
If you have time and materials, I'd say cover it. I'd rather be safe than sorry. My flock moved out to the coop with attached run at four weeks old last year (it was August, so plenty warm enough for them). The very day we got the run covered, a hawk flew down and landed on the run, looking for an easy meal. The cover was the only thing that saved them.
Oh my... our run and coop are very secure but our chickens do free range. I had no idea a hawk would actually go into a coop like that. Thanks for the link and the warning about the sad squawking (I turned my sound off).
What kind of cover did you use? I was thinking netting - which from what Ive seen at Lowes seems like it could be torn with sharp talons easily, or chicken wire. Any other ideas?
Ours is covered with chicken wire, which can be ripped through by a raccoon. We have two strong hot wires running along the run that hopefully would deter any climbing. So far it has worked well for us, but technically hardware cloth is the better option, as far as being strong. We have a Great Pyr pup we are training as well, so she should alert us to anything trying to sneak along the run at night, if not taking care of it herself first.

As far as free-ranging goes, we just accept that we may have some losses. It's worth it to us for our chickens to be happy, and they are never happier than when they are out and about scratching around, being chickens. I have 5 roos that are very watchful, especially for sky predators.
Wow 5 roo's, how many hens? Actually 6/12 of our chickens we hatched were roosters! We have placed one into a new home but cant seem to find any for the others - and our hens are getting pretty beaten up because once one rooster goes after a hen to do his business, a couple more follow right after. We love them and want to keep them all but a couple of the hens are starting to go bald on their neck and one got a deep gash in her neck yesterday
What do you think about this?

Sorry to change the subject but any suggestions would help!
My run is covered by welded wire plus I put a tarp of part of the top to help keep part of the run dry when it rains. We are moving our run to our new coop and the run will be covered even if I live in town we still have raccoons and stray cats. I want to make sure my girls are safe. I can't afford to loss any of my layers. I use hardware cloth about 1/2 way up from the bottom to prevent my hens from sticking their heads out the slots.

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