Should this be concerning?


Aug 7, 2019
Cruso, NC
Yes, it looks like blood. The red area in the right part is out of focus, so hard to tell if there is anything else concerning. Maybe feather shafts? How old are the chicken or chickens? Have they been eating anything but chicken feed and grass? If they are fairly young, or if you have a bird acting hunched/puffed up and lethargic, I would be tempted to treat for possible coccidiosis with Corid (amprolllium.) If they are grown birds, I would watch for more, and consider worming them. Valbazen or SafeGuard liquid goat or horse wormer are good ones.
It was definitely blood but seemed to be in a clear membrane. Not sure which hen it’s from but they are from about seven months to two and a half years. I’ll recheck tomorrow and I think it’s good idea to worm. Thanks!

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