Should we have our chicks debecked?

Ah, so this is Theory, not experience speaking ("supposedly", "should")?

Boy oh boy, and you called ME contentious. That "supposedly" referred to YOUR idea that debeaked birds were less efficient at gathering natural food while free ranging. You know, as in giving YOU the benefit of the doubt for now that you were correct, without dragging on and arguing that point as well. Geeze, I was prepared for a lot of things in backing up my opinion, but having to give folks a grammar lesson on taking things, especially their own words, into proper context was not one of them.​
No kidding.

Anyway, my vote is no and the reason is because I think it's un-natural, ugly and cruel.
Even if you had problems with a hen picking on her coop mates, there are other ways to solve that problem.
Some people dock dogs tails, some people put rings through cows noses, and some people find it okay to debeak chickens. We do the same to humans folks - what about circumcisions, piercings, foot binding, and the myriad of other things.

I personally don't understand why it is necessary to debeak a bird unless they are kept in very close quarters and then I would think it more humane - so that they don't harm each other... not that the close quarters isn't harmful in and of itself.

I am not going to get my 40 leghorn chicks debecked.
If you read my original post, I will be "babysi tting" or "chicksitting" for three or four months.
My sister is going to take 10 pullets and they should be fine free ranging.
My mother is going to take 10 pullets and they will have a large pen too.

I was concerned about housing all 40 chicks in a limited space for three to four months.
In the long run, the pullets will have more than enough space.

Thank you for your comments.
Several members were very informative!
Thanks again
No problem, Leghorn. If you have troubles with the girls picking on one another, let us know and we can help you through that. There are other ways besides debeaking. Your girls will be happier in the long run!
Good luck!
I am not sure if young shicks can have this or not, but Flock Block keeps my chickens from pecking eachother. After I got it it totally stopped

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