Should you put chickens in coop before severe storms

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Mar 14, 2021
We had severe thunderstorms with 70 mph winds today. My flock of 9, 1 year old hens piled in the corner of their partially covered run, looking panicked. They made no attempt to take shelter in their coop. I tried to put them in the coop, but they kept jumping out ( I have an automatic coop door which was a total pain in this situation as I couldn’t shut the door as I put each one inside). My hens have never been around other chickens and I wondered if they just don’t instinctively know to take shelter. Should I be prepared to put them all in the coop when future storms are on the horizon? They are buff orps and very tame.
We had severe thunderstorms with 70 mph winds today. My flock of 9, 1 year old hens piled in the corner of their partially covered run, looking panicked. They made no attempt to take shelter in their coop. I tried to put them in the coop, but they kept jumping out ( I have an automatic coop door which was a total pain in this situation as I couldn’t shut the door as I put each one inside). My hens have never been around other chickens and I wondered if they just don’t instinctively know to take shelter. Should I be prepared to put them all in the coop when future storms are on the horizon? They are buff orps and very tame.
Yes, I wouldn’t leave them out, or even let them out if I knew there was a storm coming. Good luck!
I have a few covered places in the run for my girls to get into. Most of them will stay outside even though they have a big warm cozy coop too. I will not let them free range if bad weather is coming. Those dummies will stand in a thunderstorm with 40 mph winds and this dummy has had to go put them in the run.I have put them in the basement too during tornado warnings. Maybe they figured if it gets bad mom will handle it, why should we all worry?
I have a few covered places in the run for my girls to get into. Most of them will stay outside even though they have a big warm cozy coop too. I will not let them free range if bad weather is coming. Those dummies will stand in a thunderstorm with 40 mph winds and this dummy has had to go put them in the run.I have put them in the basement too during tornado warnings. Maybe they figured if it gets bad mom will handle it, why should we all worry?
I’m glad I’m not the only one that has observed they need intervention! My husband said that they would be smart enough to get in the coop if it got bad enough. My mom gut said they needed to be rescued 🤨 After all, these are the same chickens that ran under my nightgown to hide from perceived danger when they were a few months old lol.
My ducks will go out in anything! My chickens tend to stay in their run rather than go out in bad weather. But I've not had anything like that storm! I'd probably leave mine shut in their run if I knew icky weather was coming.

And, no, chickens sometimes need lots of intervention from mom. Silly birds... Just like kids, they don't always know what's good for them.
I lock mine up if it's going to be windy or an ice storm. For regular rain or snow though I leave them to figure it out on their own as long as there is cover in the run.
Mine have done fine in snow and ice and in 25-30 mph winds with some tarp to shelter them in the run. However, I expected that with rain and 40 mph sustained winds and gusts up to 60 mph they would go in the coop! Not! Gonna have to be prepared to coop them up ahead of storms from now on! Thanks for the feedback!
My ducks will go out in anything! My chickens tend to stay in their run rather than go out in bad weather. But I've not had anything like that storm! I'd probably leave mine shut in their run if I knew icky weather was coming.

And, no, chickens sometimes need lots of intervention from mom. Silly birds... Just like kids, they don't always know what's good for them.
So glad to receive your feedback! They are so darn smart about so many other things that I was shocked to see them act so dumb 😂 I think silly is definitely the word….and also stubborn! They didn’t want to go in the coop before getting their night night oats!

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