Show me... Pictures of PUPPIES!

Wow, thanks for clearing that up! No more misconceptions on my end.

Now that I know it's accepted, it makes me want to find a champion even more! I had sworn off even putting them at the top of my wish list, since I figured they all had problems or something. But I guess you'd have to be REALLY careful about who you bought from, to make sure you don't get one of the mixes or merle on merle breeding. Chihuahuas are growing on me, seriously; thought I was a 'big breed' person, but I like the small ones too. Hehe...

Man, I want to show dogs, I want to show ducks, I want to get into agility or sled pulling/weight pulling/skijoring (if I could ski) with another dog (my poor dog has a touchy leg, so it wouldn't be good to enroll him in agility or have him try to pull), breed better Silver Appleyard (large) ducks and on and on... SO much stuff.

I won't bother everyone with the massive list of dogs I would love to have.
yes he is a big softie. The dog that is. Oh and maybe the guy. Can u tell? We're talking sports guy. Tough guy. Cool guy. Smart, analytical, engineer, perfectionist. AND apparently a sucker for all things cute and cuddly! hahahahah
I have eleven. According to the last dentist I went to...

Hate fillings.

And yes, I realize YOU were kidding!


Oh I love the name Tansy! I'm using it for all sorts of things, just never thought I'd see a dog with it!


If you must know, I would love to have a merle chihuahua, belgian malinois, german shepherd, shiba inu, siberian husky, standard poodle and a pomeranian.

Among all sorts of mixes and sled pullers and stuff.

Too much stuff I want to do.

EDIT: Spelling
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