Show me your Easter Egger chicks please.


Talulah 2 weeks old

Talulah 5 months :)
They are a little older now, I think they are all pullets, but still not sure.

My babies got eaten last night by a raccoon. I'm so upset! I honestly don't know how it got to them, no signs of anything. The hens are ok for now, but I'm afraid it'll be back to get them.
They really didn't want to hold still.
I received an order of chicks from McMurray's hatchery in late June. The chicks were an egg layers assortment, and it looks to me like at least a third of them are different types of EE chicks. I'll try to post some pictures later. I have one adult EE hen, and she looked like a chipmunk as a chick, but is a gorgeous hen now with black head feathers and a really bronze brown colored body - almost like a tapestry. Pretty blue eggs too!

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