Show me your favorite GARDEN PICTURE!!!

Yes the sign is original. I will have to scan some pics and let you see them. We purchased 2 pieces of property that was really just falling down. Hubby and my brother were cleaning the inside of the house and tossing stuff out the windows and doors. Somehow something ripped the shingles off the house in a spot and they could see something. Once they got everything torn off we discovered it was a barn!!! Still had the hay door and another door. We were pretty excited. I did have to fix the T in the word White, there was a window cut out there so we replaced it with old boards. We dont use it as a barn, we have a make shift kitchen in it and I can there and we have all of our parties and get togethers in it. We are now thinking of redoing the inside and moving in. We found a name wrote in the boards on the basement ceiling Sam Oravitz. A date scratched into the foundation of an addition they must have put on. Sept 11, 1918. We havent found out how old the original barn is though. But the house was so bad, we asked the fire dept to come and burn it down! Could you imagine? Thank God we found out before hand. we did find a text book from Anna Stanton in the early 1900's behind the fireplace grate. She was going to become a gyne!! To read it, it is scarey and yet funny.
Thanks for you interest. We love it.

I love everyone gardens. How do you keep your veggie gardens looking so nice and weed free???
Thanks for the story Doodledo!!

I'm originally from New England and now live out near Seattle and I miss all the old historic architecture. There's no comparison out here!!!

I find the easiest way to keep the garden weed free is to go out every day and just scrape up any new weed seedling with a hoe. So much easier than trying to take out the weeds that have grown more mature and established. I do this pretty much from the day DH tills the soil at the start of garden season until we are done harvesting. It's not 100% weed free, but it keeps them way down.

AMAZING gardens, everyone! I'll be pm'ing some of you for seeds for things I don't have. I'm tearing down a pussy willow tree/shrub this year and planting a bed that is more neighbor-friendly, and you all have great ideas! Anyone have Summer Pointsettia?
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The pictures just keep getting better!!!!

Here's something I found growing out in our orchard TODAY.

(Its just some kind of weed.)

Here's one of my favorite harvests from last summer.
Just a photo of our favorite plant. One of these stems had 17 tomatoes; on many we had to tie the individual stems up so as to not let the stem collapse and kill tomato. This one was a dozen or so, notice I prune heavily. Makes huge difference in size and speed of growth. These guys were just wonderful, sweet, firm and delicious.



Photos of last years veggie and garlic gardens linked below. There were 1000 heads of garlic grown last year and a lot of veggies three plantings. There are a lot of photos, it is best view as slide show comments welcome. My sons made the raised beds in the garden for me....

Thanks Chuck and Michael!
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Love all the pics everyone..... I am so ready for Spring just gave me an idea for this year.....but for us I wonder if pruning the tomatoes would be a bad thing, because we have no shade trees in our yard.
Pruning is still fine but just don't prune too severely. Also plant them a little closer together in very hot, dry climates than you would otherwise to help retain moisture. Water from underneath the plant with a drip system to avoid mildew and cracking.
I love this thread! We had our first garden last year and didn't take any pictures but will be trying raised beds this year..Seems like it will be easier to get the weeds out and so much more orderly. I think I will plant the tomatoes along the side of the house. Anyone with more raised be d pics or suggestions, PM me. Thanks!
Oh I just found a somewhat okay photo of the front garden at our old house in the suburbs!...


I was so proud of that garden, the backgarden design was "organized chaos" but the front garden was just so simple and lovely...

This is from when we were selling the house..

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