Show off your house ducks!

Thanks for helping me along, @Amykins … egg envy, eh? So, Bean is family planning, she wants to enjoy her freedom for as long as she can.

Unless they figure out this mating thing, there won't BE a family. It's hard enough to try to get them to do it when their diapers aren't on, but Wobbles just can't seem to understand what he's supposed to do. And poor Bean, naive to the not-so-nice bits of ducky love, yelps and runs off whenever he bites down on her neck!
BEAN WON'T LAY!! She lets Wobs mount her a half a dozen times a day, but no eggies! And then Winter, who's even younger than Bean, starts laying? It's not fair! So humph, I say! Humph!

(okay seriously though I am super proud of Winter)

And that's what I was agreeing with, lol... yep, happy about Winter, but dangit I want eggs from Lady Grey too... :barnie

Thanks for helping me along, @Amykins
  …  egg envy, eh?  So, Bean is family planning, she wants to enjoy her freedom for as long as she can.

Oh, and it didn't help that buff goose guy's 5 month old Mickey is laying too!! :eek:
Awww...Bean is a cuddler, not into the kink. Maybe Wobbs needs to wine & dine her a little, heavy on the wine...maybe look up some "ducky pr0n" on the world wide webbed...maybe quack dirty to her...
And that's what I was agreeing with, lol... yep, happy about Winter, but dangit I want eggs from Lady Grey too...

Oh, and it didn't help that buff goose guy's 5 month old Mickey is laying too!!

OH FOR PETE'S SAKE! Really? Man...Bean'll be 6 months old next week. Am I doing something wrong? Do you think her diet's okay? I wonder when I should start giving her more calcium. They have oyster shells, but Wobs likes them more than she does so I try to limit their access so he doesn't get too much calcium in his system. I'll pop some in her nighttime water every other day though, just to be sure she gets some. I'm so scared of her becoming egg bound!
Awww...Bean is a cuddler, not into the kink. Maybe Wobbs needs to wine & dine her a little, heavy on the wine...maybe look up some "ducky pr0n" on the world wide webbed...maybe quack dirty to her...


OH FOR PETE'S SAKE! Really? Man...Bean'll be 6 months old next week. Am I doing something wrong? Do you think her diet's okay? I wonder when I should start giving her more calcium. They have oyster shells, but Wobs likes them more than she does so I try to limit their access so he doesn't get too much calcium in his system. I'll pop some in her nighttime water every other day though, just to be sure she gets some. I'm so scared of her becoming egg bound!

Calm down! I know it's getting to me too, heck, Mickey is a full 2 weeks younger than Lady Grey... but I think her and Winter are more of the exception rather than the rule... :plbb

Maybe Bean and Lady Grey actually got the memo that Calls are seasonal and won't start til Spring anyways... :/

I'd hold off the extra calcium til she actually lays, since she doesn't need it til then, but that's just my opinion...
Oh, and I think you're doing just fine, Amykins!

Was told from the one I got Lady Grey from that she has never had a Call start laying the same year she was hatched, they always waited til Spring so is normal...

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