Show off your house ducks!

too cute not to share!
Wouldn't that be nice? We don't have cats, but ChaCha tries to fight the dog. It's funny to watch but they have to be separated by a dog gate all the time which is a bummer.

The problem isn't the cats, it's the duck! The kitties are horrified of her! I had her sleeping on my tummy with my cat Stu curled up by my side, she woke up and fell off onto him. He FLIPPED OUT. Kinda like what I do when I see a spider, ha! It would be funny, if it weren't so sad!

The other problem I have is her hair-eating. I just don't know how to dissuage her. I've tried beak-tapping, I've tried reprimands, but she's just a total chow-hound and will do whatever it takes to put her favorite stuff in her mouth no matter how bad it is for her. Id this something that she'll grow out of? I'm sick of her eating my hair, her poop, her substrate, anything! She won't do it if she has food but I can't just keep feeding her nonstop. I don't want her to get sour crop or worse, an impacted bowel.

Ah, the joys of indoor duckhood. :p
The problem isn't the cats, it's the duck! The kitties are horrified of her! I had her sleeping on my tummy with my cat Stu curled up by my side, she woke up and fell off onto him. He FLIPPED OUT. Kinda like what I do when I see a spider, ha! It would be funny, if it weren't so sad! 

The other problem I have is her hair-eating. I just don't know how to dissuage her. I've tried beak-tapping, I've tried reprimands, but she's just a total chow-hound and will do whatever it takes to put her favorite stuff in her mouth no matter how bad it is for her. Id this something that she'll grow out of? I'm sick of her eating my hair, her poop, her substrate, anything! She won't do it if she has food but I can't just keep feeding her nonstop. I don't want her to get sour crop or worse, an impacted bowel.

Ah, the joys of indoor duckhood. :p

Poor kitty! Big bad prey is so scary!

Trina was a hair chewer. She was a goose, do I don't know if it will be exactly the same but we can hope! Trina grew out of hair eating. By the time she was fully feathered she had pretty much given up on it. She would occasionally try to eat my hair if I put it right in her face (tried to use her as a pillow lol) and she still likes to nibble on animal fur, like the dog peacefully napping... but she doesn't go after it anymore. ChaCha will chew on my hair and the dog same as Trina after she mostly grew out of it. I tried everything to break baby Trina of it and just like you nothing worked, only she helped the problem. Although ChaCha will still eat poop... so we have to watch that one lol
Although ChaCha will still eat poop... so we have to watch that one lol

Yeeeaaaah, there's nothing like picking up your duckie for nuzzles, only to get a bill fulla doodoo. XD

I sure hope Wobs grows out of it too, I'm trying to grow my hair out and I don't wanna have to cut it short again!
Yeeeaaaah, there's nothing like picking up your duckie for nuzzles, only to get a bill fulla doodoo. XD

I sure hope Wobs grows out of it too, I'm trying to grow my hair out and I don't wanna have to cut it short again!

I to have a dog like that... lol

Don't fret yet! I've heard from a lot of people that they grow out of hair eating =)
Misty loves to eat dog/cat hair. She's never gone after my hair, but my hair is short, we'll see when it grows out.
But she'll find this spot where the hair collects and just start taking mouthfuls of it and chowing down. My cat has long hair, so it never goes away no matter how much cleaning we do. I actually haven't seen her do it for awhile, maybe she's growing out of it at 5 months old now. Luckily she grew out of the poo eating when she was just a few weeks old.

She also goes after my dog, too. she'll tuck her head down and charge after her toes and nip them, luckily my dog is well behaved and just gives her a growl until I get misty away. The cat runs from her because she's nipped her a couple times as well. My other ducks are afraid of her because she loves chasing them around the yard. She also likes to try and peck at my rats through their cage wire, they get all mad and start hitting the wire with their paws back at her. We just call her "Brat" half the time because she thinks she's the boss of everyone.
Hahaha! It must be a house duck thing! They are like spoiled dogs who think they are Alpha. ChaCha does the cage thing to my bunnies (kudos on the rats btw, I miss my ratties! I had a pair when I was in college because I could hide their cage in my closet in the dorm so they spent most of their time free in the room when I was home, great pets!) She knows when she's in trouble though, she gets the deer in headlights look and stands frozen until I look away... Then she goes right back to doing what she wasn't supposed to lol

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