Show off your Red sex-links!! [[pictures included]] !! (:

This is Chunk, a cross between my Buff Orpington rooster and Red Sex Link hen.


Chunk is almost 3 months old.
The following generations are still good egg layers. Once in awhile I will have Sex Links go broody but never hatched any eggs. They didn't stay broody and abandoned their nest so I put he eggs in my incubator to hatch them.

I have a young friend that had one go broody. He had asked if I had any eggs for a broody. When I went and saw that it was a RSL I was so surprised. They really aren't known for going broody real often. I've had several over the years and haven't had one go broody yet.
If you want a LF broody, the Wyondottes are good for that..or even the EE's..not as much as the Wyondotte though.

They are bred for production and are also bred not to be broody. There will every once in a while be an odd one that does not get broody, but unfortuneatly they are not usually broody.

yeah.. as i have guessed she not good enough to be a mother. maybe i have try encourage with rooster, hopefully she will broody. or maybe try with heritage chicken.

thanks in advance for the explains :D

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