Show off your Red sex-links!! [[pictures included]] !! (:

I've heard Yolk Peritonitis is common amongst Red Sex-Links. Does anyone have any experience with it? I believe my Red is suffering from it now, and I am quite certain she will not survive...If the infection doesn't get her, starvation and/or dehydration will.
I've heard Yolk Peritonitis is common amongst Red Sex-Links. Does anyone have any experience with it? I believe my Red is suffering from it now, and I am quite certain she will not survive...If the infection doesn't get her, starvation and/or dehydration will.

I have had Red Sex-Links for many years and have only had it happen very rarely. You are correct that most likely she will not survive. This may sound cruel as many people raise their birds as pets, but that is part of raising chickens. I would put her down rather than have her suffer as the likely hood is she will die anyway. It's more commonly found in broiler breeders.
I was curious as Copper father looks exactly like that but he was some type of rose comb.
Bratty Peep, sounds a lot like my hen Barbara!
My Peep is quite a character
I have had some in the past turn out with Rose Combs because one of my RIR boys got into the pen next to theirs where the Rose Comb Rhode Island White girls were in so some of the chicks had Rose Combs.
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The only picture I have with my RSL.. this type is new to me. Also have BSL. Don't know what to expect at all..
The black showing on the lower chicken's tail is actually a feather on the floor in background.
#2 Was wondering about the hackles showing up here..also black in the tail.

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