Show off your roosters

We have a flock of about 40. 5 of them are "roosters". Actually not old enough to be roosters but I prefer the term.
This is the oldest, Elvis. He is an Easter Egger. He was purchased at a local feed store as a group of 30 chicks in late March and was supposed to be a pullet, but....oh, well.

This is George. He is a Red Sex Link/Golden Comet. He was purchased at TSC in early April as a group of 20 pullet chicks, but....oh, well.

This is Henry and Rufus.

This is Beauregard. He was formerly known as Lucille until he started crowing on Saturday. All 3 of them are 22 weeks old tomorrow. They are a cross between a giant Black Cochin and a little bantam mix hen we have.

So here's the story. Obviously Elvis gets to mate with any of the ladies he wants, because he if the biggest, oldest, and best looking. Anytime George gets affectionate with the ladies, Elvis comes sprinting across the run or yard and chases him off. If Rufus or "Beau" mount a hen, George goes after them. But is Elvis is standing there when Rufus mates one of the girls, no fighting. It's like Elvis doesn't see Rufus as competition or something. Or maybe he's tutoring Rufus to take over as lead man some day. Anybody else ever see this? I'm kinda confused.
We have a flock of about 40. 5 of them are "roosters". Actually not old enough to be roosters but I prefer the term.
This is the oldest, Elvis. He is an Easter Egger. He was purchased at a local feed store as a group of 30 chicks in late March and was supposed to be a pullet, but....oh, well.

This is George. He is a Red Sex Link/Golden Comet. He was purchased at TSC in early April as a group of 20 pullet chicks, but....oh, well.

This is Henry and Rufus.

This is Beauregard. He was formerly known as Lucille until he started crowing on Saturday. All 3 of them are 22 weeks old tomorrow. They are a cross between a giant Black Cochin and a little bantam mix hen we have.

So here's the story. Obviously Elvis gets to mate with any of the ladies he wants, because he if the biggest, oldest, and best looking. Anytime George gets affectionate with the ladies, Elvis comes sprinting across the run or yard and chases him off. If Rufus or "Beau" mount a hen, George goes after them. But is Elvis is standing there when Rufus mates one of the girls, no fighting. It's like Elvis doesn't see Rufus as competition or something. Or maybe he's tutoring Rufus to take over as lead man some day. Anybody else ever see this? I'm kinda confused.

pretty i lave a 2nd generation RSL Rooster there awesome roos!!!!!!!!!!!
I saw his picture the other day and was wondering what breed he was! Except for the HUGE comb, he looks like my RSL ladies. I had asked before but never got an answer if the sex link gene went to the next generation. He is cool looking.

thanks the sexlink gene doesn't go to the next generation they all look the same as chicks TSC ripped us off by giving us all roosters and they were supposed to be RSLs but they turned out to be all 2nd generation sex link cockerels! all 12 and then we got a 2nd gen. femsle but she is an ecxellent egg layer!!!!!!!

thanks the sexlink gene doesn't go to the next generation they all look the same as chicks TSC ripped us off by giving us all roosters and they were supposed to be RSLs but they turned out to be all 2nd generation sex link cockerels! all 12 and then we got a 2nd gen. femsle but she is an ecxellent egg layer!!!!!!!
We will likely have a bunch of 2nd generation RSL's next spring. The ladies are giving us a couple dozen big brown eggs every day and my little bantam hens love being broody moms.

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