Show people connect


Sep 24, 2015
Just thought it might be nice to have BYC show people connect. Please say what breeds you show and if you are looking for a breeder of a specific breed.
I show Danvers, Leghorns, and Partraige Rock Bantams.
I'm looking for someone who breeds Partraige Rock Bantams.
Just thought it might be nice to have BYC show people connect. Please say what breeds you show and if you are looking for a breeder of a specific breed.
I show Danvers, Leghorns, and Partraige Rock Bantams.
I'm looking for someone who breeds Partraige Rock Bantams.
I don't show but I have a question for ya...
Do you only show in your town/city/state?
We currently breed/show: Large Black, Blue, Brown Red, Mottled and White Cochins, Large White Faced Black and White Spanish, Large Black Minorcas, Large Plymouth Barred Rocks; Bantam Black Cochins, Bantam White Wyandottes, Silver Sebrights; Gray Toulouse Geese; Turkeys in Bronze, Auburn, Holland White, Jersey Buff, Golden Narragansett and Slate. I began showing as a 10 year old and got into APA/ABA sanctioned showing in 2000, my family and I have shown from Ohio to New Mexico and all points in-between, we have been to the Ohio National and to both Crossroads shows in Indianapolis, IN. We primarily show in our home state of Oklahoma. A great hobby with great people!



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