showing chickens


10 Years
May 25, 2009
Southwestern, In
I was wanting to get my 2 kids involved in showing chickens since they're chicken obsessed. What kind of things do you win if you win at a chicken show? I know it'll be one of their first questions. Thanks!
It depends on how well they do. Chances are, they won't do great right from the beginning. Eventually, they may win ribbons, trophies and money, but unfortunately, don't expect to win right from the beginning. Showing is a ton of fun and I'm sure your kids will love it
Thanks! I think the kids will really enjoy it! The chickens and this website keep our 13 yr old busy! She loves those chickens!
I personally love showing in the local fairs...I get to teach the kids what to look for in their birds if the judge is busy...and give them contacts for who has what breeds they're interested in.

The Tulsa State Fair pays the BEST premiums. One kid I know of won $1500 for putting in rare birds that were show quality...but they were the only ones of that breed so he still won the premiums for that class. He didn't know his were the only ones in the class...but heck...

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