Showing off eggs


9 Years
Feb 11, 2010
Vancouver Island, B.C.,
Now that I figured out how to upload pics ... here are some of my girls handy works.
I think one of my new EE hens is laying olive eggs. Hope it shows up in the one pic of a blue and olive together.
Beautiful eggs. Btw, I love your rooster canister set
This was the first time I found an egg from my Ameraucana in the nest box. My friend, who owns the chickens with me (and whose yard they live in) had found the first one two days earlier. Her first eggs were quite green, but are now starting to become a light blue.

ETA I just realized the picture isn't showing up. It showed up in my post when I created it, but not once I submitted it. Must be because I am on my iPad. I will add it from my PC in a few minutes.
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I was wondering if the olive eggs would eventually fade to blue.
The other two EE hens laid lovely turquoise blue eggs from the start but the other one started out with olive.
I hope they stay that color because I think the varieties look so cool in the cartons.
They sell like crazy too. I thought people might be put off by the weird colors but it seems not.
The 3 pullets were sold as Ameracaunas but are actually EEs.
I don't care though. I love 'em all.

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