Shredded gene in lavender


I got my hen from the feed store, how much did you pay for your hens? Mine was $11 then discounted $2 because they wanted to clear out the brooding area for the next batch. I think she is pretty though. "Lola."
I love my shredder orp, the difference in feathers looks cool and the bird itself seems to have zero health issues... so I'm kind of ok with it in mine. Honestly, it has a "rare bird" look about it because of the feather patterns.

That's where mine came from too- so clearly they have shredder genes in their breeders.
My lav rooster who I used for this came from mypetchicken. I think all lavenders have this and theres no smooth ones
My lav rooster who I used for this came from mypetchicken. I think all lavenders have this and theres no smooth ones
There are, but again it's lick of the draw or serious, serious efforts breeding the least shredded to the least shredded

I got lavender (self-blue) Cochin bantams last year. 1 male was decent, 3 were pretty darn bad. My females still had it, but they looked a heck of a lot better than my males. I think males tend to show it more. I know they do with wing patch in Isabel

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