Shredded hemp for deep litter

I’m liking hemp in the coop too. My 8 chicks are only a month old and they’re only in the coop at night, but so far it’s staying nice and dry and fresh-smelling. We’ll see what happens as they get bigger LOL. In the covered run where they spend most of their time, I’m using everything I can think of - some hemp, shredded leaves, dried grass clippings, shredded wood, pine needles, straw, shredded paper. That’s working well so far too.
I'm in NorCal and I'm also interested in finding a closer source of hemp. I bought my first bale on Amazon (Rent a Coop brand). I used less than half of the bag to put down a 4 inch deep layer in my coop (5'x6'). It's been over a month and there is no smell in the henhouse. I have 10 pullets and they also have access to a run during the day. The pine shavings I used before had to be replaced each week because of stink. So far, I really like the hemp.
That's great to hear. Which part of NorCal are you at? I found one other person who has a farm who can buy together. That will save us a lot on shipping. I will PM you to discuss the details. :)
I dont know anything about Hemp bedding but my self I pretty much stick to packaged shavings. Not because its better but just because thats whats sold around here. If you can get Hemp shavings locally for the same price as regular old shavings I say go for it but myself am not gonna try to order some Hemp super shavings and pay extra.
That's great to hear. Which part of NorCal are you at? I found one other person who has a farm who can buy together. That will save us a lot on shipping. I will PM you to discuss the details. :)
I'm in the Sierra foothills near Placerville.
That's great to hear. Which part of NorCal are you at? I found one other person who has a farm who can buy together. That will save us a lot on shipping. I will PM you to discuss the details. :)

I'm also in NorCal and looking for hemp bedding! I realize this is several weeks old, but may be interested in going in with you if it's not too late.

I am also waiting to hear back from my local feed store who is trying to source it for me so I can avoid shipping altogether.

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