Sick auction chicken


Jan 10, 2022
I got a chicken from auction. I realize now this was probably a mistake. She was quarantined 9 days before she went from fine to sick. Rattled/congested breathing. No foamy eye, no facial swelling. She’s still active and eating and drinking fine. I went and got Tylan after reading through the forums and started treating her. She has improved but still not 100%. She doesn’t sound rattled/congested like she did but is still doing some open mouthed breathing. My question is, should I cull her? I just have a small flock. They are pets. I’m fairly new to raising birds and while I’ve lost a few, I’ve never had a sick one and never had to cull. Is there a chance she recovers and isn’t a lifelong carrier of something that will infect my entire flock? I don’t know what to do!
I got a chicken from auction. I realize now this was probably a mistake. She was quarantined 9 days before she went from fine to sick. Rattled/congested breathing. No foamy eye, no facial swelling. She’s still active and eating and drinking fine. I went and got Tylan after reading through the forums and started treating her. She has improved but still not 100%. She doesn’t sound rattled/congested like she did but is still doing some open mouthed breathing. My question is, should I cull her? I just have a small flock. They are pets. I’m fairly new to raising birds and while I’ve lost a few, I’ve never had a sick one and never had to cull. Is there a chance she recovers and isn’t a lifelong carrier of something that will infect my entire flock? I don’t know what to do!
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Has your existing flock ever had any respiratory illness?
How has she been quarantined and housed? Photos of her, housing, etc.?

What dose of Tylan and how long has it been administered?
Crop emptying?
Any lice/mites?
Any mold/mildew in housing, feed, etc.?
Ventilation in housing good - no ammonia?
I hope it is not because of the stress of the sale and being relocated. I had a lovely LO last year, but she did get over mated by a rooster, then we had fires in our area, and had to evacuate 3 times, then I brought her to a friend's coop, and she got depressed and died. Her very fat sister was perfectly fine, and is still living in the same coop.

Also if she was not used to wood chips she may have eaten some.
Welcome To BYC

Has your existing flock ever had any respiratory illness?
How has she been quarantined and housed? Photos of her, housing, etc.?

What dose of Tylan and how long has it been administered?
Crop emptying?
Any lice/mites?
Any mold/mildew in housing, feed, etc.?
Ventilation in housing good - no ammonia?
Never had any respiratory issues with any of my birds.

She was housed in my garage in an xl dog crate with pine shavings and a roost. I had been taking her out daily to a 20x20 dog pen for fresh air and sun. She’s now in my half bath because I felt maybe being inside might be better for her. I got Tylan 200mg and have been giving her .5cc twice a day. Symptoms and medication started Monday. Crop does feel flat in the morning. I have not noticed any issues with mites/lice. No mold/mildew on anything. I’m using the same stuff with all my birds. Ventilation is good. We have the doors open most of the day.

I don’t want to cull her. But I would to protect my other babies. But I don’t want to do something drastic out of fear if it’s not needed. I’ll try to get a picture/video of her tomorrow.

Thank you Lacy Duckwing and Gimmie birds. This is definitely not an easy thing for me to even consider. And I don’t want to do it unless I really have to.
What state do you live in? If possible, get some testing before you make any decisions.
Some state labs will send you a swab kit and testing is a nominal fee (depends on the state).

You can also get testing through a private lab. I think the last I saw it was around $90

I can understand not wanting to cull. IF her symptoms are from respiratory disease, then it can be passed on to your existing flock - this is why I was asking about all the other things trying to see if something in her environment may be causing symptoms.
What state do you live in? If possible, get some testing before you make any decisions.
Some state labs will send you a swab kit and testing is a nominal fee (depends on the state).

You can also get testing through a private lab. I think the last I saw it was around $90

I can understand not wanting to cull. IF her symptoms are from respiratory disease, then it can be passed on to your existing flock - this is why I was asking about all the other things trying to see if something in her environment may be causing symptoms.
I understood why you were asking. I appreciate the thorough questions to help me try to sort it out. I guess I just haven’t found any sources or respiratory issues not being something serious that could infect my entire flock and that is what has me considering culling. I will look into getting her lab tested. Auburn University may do it. I truly appreciate the advice. If it wasn’t for all of the reading I’ve done about it, I would think she’s improving and it isn’t a big deal.
Here’s a short video and a few pictures. You can hardly tell she has any issue now. Before her breathing was rattling and she sounded extremely congested. Open mouth breathing. I never saw any mucous, drainage, watery or bubbly mouth. Oh, I’ve also used VetRx on her when her symptoms started along with the Tylan 200mg.



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I agree with Wyorp Rock’s information and possibly getting her tested. I refuse to ever buy chickens (or hatching eggs) again from sales, swaps, or even private breeders simply because it can be easy to bring in diseases. Wild birds can also bring in diseases. I have dealt with infectious bronchitis, and possibly mycoplasma. Once you introduce a sick bird into the flock, they can be carriers for life. I only have 2 nine year old chickens left from a large flock, and have decided to wait until those chickens are gone before adding new healthy chicks one day from a hatchery. Hopefully, your new chicken will be healthy and not sick. Good luck.

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