sick baby peafowl. need help.


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jun 9, 2012
This little fellow has been opening his mouth and closing all day and I noticed something on his beak. Anyone have any ideas? thanks
It looks like the poor guy has a sinus infection.

If you do a search here you will find much discussion of sinus infections and their treatment.
Oh, you're probably right @KsKingBee . I thought that might be crusty nasal discharge stuff but his face doesn't really look swollen, maybe more pictures would make it easier to tell what's going on?
I am certainly not the definitive authority here, but I have had three chicks that have given themselves bloody noses just this last week. Combine that with the other chicks pecking and you get some nasty wounds in that area. I had to isolate one chick just today, and there are only ten chicks in that pen. The pen with 24 chicks in it didn't bother the one with the bloody nose at all, go figure.
I am certainly not the definitive authority here, but I have had three chicks that have given themselves bloody noses just this last week. Combine that with the other chicks pecking and you get some nasty wounds in that area. I had to isolate one chick just today, and there are only ten chicks in that pen. The pen with 24 chicks in it didn't bother the one with the bloody nose at all, go figure.

If you can put them under a red light they cannot see the red and will stop picking at it.
It looks like he might have stuck his beak in the bottom wire and got it a little bloody , then one or more of the chicks will start pecking at it and in a short time can peck it mostly away. I have had good luck using blue lotion which is purple. I heals and the other birds don't seem to bother it. I might also put a little on a number of birds just to confuse them. it can be sprayed with a regular pump sprayer which should come with it .. I stains very good and lasting so be careful . connerhills
Wound Kote is the product I have been using. It comes in a dark purple spray can and can be bought at any of the farm supply stores.

On a tiny chick's beak I think I would just try a q-tip dipped in blue or purple food coloring or egg dye. If I tried to spray Blue Kote on a chick the whole chick and my hand holding it would be purple.
I would too, but this was a four week old chick and a much easier target. I sprayed from behind its head so not to get it in the eyes, worked well although it has all come off during the day. It is back with the others now, we will see how it is doing in the morning.

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