Sick Bird....Help requested


11 Years
Mar 26, 2008
I have a 1 week old, Americauna, chick that presented last evening with a little lethargy, breathing a bit heavy, and a white discharge (instead of poop). I have separated this chick (under heat lamp) and it has plenty of food (chick starter) and water. In the dozen years I've had chicks/chickens I have not seen this before, and I am unsure how to medicate or treat this chick.

Do you know what this is? The chick is still upright walking around, kinda hunched over a bit, but up nonetheless.
Please give guidance and diagnosis if known.

Kath (TN)

p.s. this chick is from Estes Hatchery in OH
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Hi Kath,

I'm not sure. Is the white stuff that she's pooping out sticking to the vent?? If so, then maybe she has pasted vent. Is she still eating and drinking? All I can say is keep her warm. Hopefully someone with more experience can help you.
Well, now she is swollen a great deal in the crop area...refusing to drink and eat. Her vent is not pasted shut..just gooey white stuff coming out...
She is in a definite decline now, but thankfully all the other chicks are well.
I still do not know what this illness is, so any thoughts are very much appreciated.
Thank you!
I'm sorry I don't know what to tell you except that it sounds like she needs some help pronto so it seems appropriate to help your question surface to the head of the line again at this time. I hope she will get well.
sounds like impacted crop.

the only thing that might save the chick is a surgery..(see at top of this page).
the weaker the chick is, the less likely it will survive the surgery.

you could try giving a little oil on tiny piece of bread and massaging..
but as above poster might have eaten shavings.

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