Sick Bird need Urgent Help Diagnosing!!


In the Brooder
7 Years
Aug 19, 2012
My Coop
My Coop
Hi gang.
I'm hoping someone can help me diagnose what is wrong w/ my hen cochin between 5-7 months and has not laid any eggs yet.

video of sick cochin->

She initially presented with what can only be described as "tiredness". She wouldn't leave the coop w/ the others when I opened it up so they could peck around my backyard. When I picked her up (she never used to let me) to bring her outside, everything seemed OK. She ate some scratch and then went into the hen house to lay down.

When she wouldn't get up much and developed a gurgly sound, I brought her into my garage and put her in a sick cage. Things then got much worse for her. It seemed as though she lost control over her head and it would flop around/drag on the ground when she would move in the cage. She would move backwards when she tried to move at all. She was apparently eating and drinking b/c she was pooping (dark green, mostly liquidy and stinky). She has control over her feet and they have a tight grip on the roost or hardware cloth. She also had the ability to flap her wings too. Therefore, I’m not sure if what she has is in her central nervous system b/c she seemingly has control over her feet and wings.

She's got slightly better over the next two days, but barely. Her breathing still looks labored but the gurgle is seemingly gone. She is now able to keep her head up a little bit more but it looks like it is on a bobble head doll. When she rests, she rests her head on the ground.

I'd sure love to know what's wrong w/ her and if it can be treated. I'm also concerned for my other girls, none of whom present any of the same symptoms - except for the occasional sneeze or cough (likely unrelated since they've always done that).

I've looked at many chicken symptom/disease charts online and none of the disease really seem to fit.

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Thanks for the reply.

We got her from a local breeder and don't think she was vaccinated :(.

Do you have any suggestions on how to treat her now?

What else can I look for to diagnose Mareks?
There are a few different strains of the Mareks virus, and they usually affect the central nervous system.
Unfortunately, I am still learning about it, I just had to put 10 of my babies to sleep.
And all did not show the same signs.
What state are you located in, it looks like you may have to call the dept of agriculture.
I hope someone else with more experience will see this post, as I don't think I have the answer for you.
Do your birds ever free range?
Is there any way at all that they could have been poisoned? Or eaten moldy feed?
Been bitten by a snake/ spider/ some other nasty thing?

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