Sick birds?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Dec 23, 2012
I have 14 hens and 1 rooster. I have noticed over the last month or so the egg production has drastically gone down. I used to get 6-8ish eggs a day, now I am lucky to get 2 or 3. I had one hen lay a couple of soft eggs that eventually hardened, (I think). They do not seem to be eating/drinking much. Sometimes I get green poop and periodically I get black poop. For the most part they seem to be acting normal. They come running when I go out to check on them and they gobble up their "treats"(left over fruits and veggies, sometimes a bit of bread or some wheat or meal worms). Any thoughts of what to do would be greatly appreciated.
There is certainly more than one possibility. How old are they? If they have a heavy worm load, this can affect appetite. To begin, have you ever given them a chemical wormer? (I like Valbazen, myself.) And have you checked for lice/mite infestation?
They are last years hens. I usually replace my hens every year but due to having my child in January I opted not to get "fresh" birds this year. I have never had this problem. I have not noticed any lice or mites but of course they do not let me catch them. I have not given them anything but their food and water either. I guess I will be going to the store today to get them some wormer and start there. Thank you.

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