Sick Button Quail? Need HELP! :(


8 Years
Mar 12, 2011


Second pic is from about a week ago and first pic is from yesterday.

I currently have 6 button quails. I think I have 2 males and 4 females.
While cleaning their house yesterday, I noticed that few feathers were plucked from the silver male.
I'm not sure if he was bullied or anything, but I knew that it was about time to pair them up so I separated silver male and put him with brown female.
I was worried so I examined other male which is the one in the pic (someone in BYC told me that he was a roo.)
He didn't seem to lose feathers, but he was EXTREMELY LIGHT.
There have been plenty of water and food... But somehow he looked like he has not been eating.
Also he puffs his feathers up and just sleeps.
I tried to let him eat and drink but he just won't. He doesnt fly and his wings are down.
He doesn't have outer injury or anything..

Currently I separated him into other cage and put water and food.
What could I do to make him feel better? I'm really worried about him right now. I don't want to lose him..
I'm keeping him warm and I'm feeding him Gamebird feed

All of my birds eat same feed..
I always keep them inside.. never have been outside or anything..
It was only sliver that lost feathers around vent and few on head
Yes I checked every one of them.. but still none of them had mites..
This one died yesterday.............. I was trying to give him some water but he was already dead...
None of the other ones have same symptoms.. they are all okay.

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