sick chanticleer


In the Brooder
7 Years
Oct 12, 2012
Hi all. Our flock of 15 had been battling something. Started w one bird sneezing and lethargic, spread to everyone. Gave electrolytes and vitamins in water with duramycin for 10 days. As of now all of the birds seem back to normal but one. This 1 year old Chanticleer was the last one to show symptoms but it seems to have hit her the hardest. She has a lot of mucus in her nostrils and has been lethargic for 2 days but eating/drinking and scratching around. Today when I got home I checked on her and she is even more lethargic and mucous and seems to have thick saliva/mucus in her mouth. I syringe - fed her some mash made w crumbles and medicated/vitamin added water and when doing so noticed white patches on her tongue. I cleaned out her nostrils and dripped some vetrx on her beak and waddles. I'm not sure what else to do for her aside from administering Tynan 50 injections which i will do tomorrow if she's not any better. Her illness seems strange since it's so much worse than the others.. I'm hoping for the best but wondering if anyone has thoughts? She may end up needing to be culled but I figured I'd ask. Thanks!
Birds with respiratory diseases can develop secondary bacterial infections and air sacculitis. Tylan50 injections may help--dosage is 1 ml for 5 lb and over into the breast muscle daily for 5 days. Dose for under 5 lb is 1/2 ml. MG/CRD, infectious bronchitis, ILT, and coryza are some of the common diseases which will make carriers of your flock. Symptoms may disappear, but they are still carriers. Here is some reading for you:
I am aware that now that this has happened the flock will be closed bc they are all carriers. I'll read up regarding the bacterial piece.
It would be good to get your sickest bird tested or a necropsy done by your state vet just to see what disease is present. Many times there can be 2 or even 3 diseases at the same time, since MG can be a secondary infection. Coccidiosis and worms can lower the immunity in birds where these things are easier to catch. Poultry swaps can be a bad place to visit or buy birds because of these diseases. Good luck with your chickens.
I'm not aware of a local poultry vet and honestly would probably not spend the money. Can you get this done for free? I wasn't aware of a state vet? All of my birds were purchased together as 12 week olds about a year ago from our local feed store. She looks terrible this morning. She's isolated and just got syringe fed and given a tylan shot. We'll see.
Each state has a different cost, but California and a couple of others offer necropsy for free. In Ohio for example it costs $80. One poster here on BYC said their state vet said just mention that you think it could be bird flu, and they will do it for free, LOL. Most states have a Depart of Agriculture to contact. Here is a link to click on to find yours, and it doesn"t cost anything to ask:

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