Sick chicken, help with diagnosis please

Thanks Rebrascora. I do have 4 older 1-2yr old hens and i have noticed them keeping the cockerels in line from time to time. I initially had a Rhode Island Red full grown rooster but he was going after my wife, sister, neice/nephews and a puppy so he had to go... So yeah i agree not an ideal 'learning' environment for a flock but i figure at some point the cockerels will know how to be roosters, just might be a while. I have noticed a few of their favorite hens so i will check on them as well when i get home. Just going to take some time with 25 hens...
Some use ivermectrin pour-on for cattle to help treat mites and lice. I cannot find the dosage, but I think that 5 drops may be about right, and repeat in 14days.
Well, unfortunately by the time I got home from my trip the sick hen was really bad off so I had to put her down.
I inspected several of my other hens, some have no signs of any issues but a couple have what look like lice eggs, and mites (pics below). Would you all agree the 1st pic is lice eggs, and the 2nd mites?
The chicken coop is right next to a bee hive so this will make treatment complicated. I may have to move the bee hive in the long run but i would like to try some other methods first...
Eggcesive, that Ivermectrin can be given orally right? 2 doses orally may be the best/easiest way to treat the flock, is it really effective with mites/lice?


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