Sick Chicken, need help diagnosing


9 Years
Jan 12, 2014
We have a sick chicken. She has been acting moppy for a week or so. Sort of stands around with her tail tucked and back arched. Her poop is runny and doesn't smell like normal. We have separated her from the rest of the flock and put her in a tub with bedding in our greenhouse, so she can stay warm. She is 5.5 years old, so not a "spring chicken", and it may just be time for her to go to chicken heaven. But, she is alert and will eat lettuce that I give her. She does not seem to be interested in normal chicken feed, nor have I seen her drink any water. Yet, she seems to be hanging on.

Is there any medication I can give her? If so, where do I get it? I can't afford to spend a lot of money on her.

is she walking normal and is she still laying? or maybe has stopped recently?
I don't think she has laid in a couple of years. I put her in the tub in the green
house after she'd been acting sick for a couple of days. She's made no attempt to get out.
i agree, check for symptoms of being egg-bound but if shes pooping i'd check to make sure she's actually able to push the poop out. if not she'll just kinda ooze from her vent.
Could she be egg bound if she hasn't laid in a couple of years? She is 5.5 years old. I have not seen her on a nest in months.

She has very runny poop. It sticks to her bottom. Is there some sort of infection she could have that is causing the diarrhea? If so, what sort of medicine would help?
i agree, check for symptoms of being egg-bound but if shes pooping i'd check to make sure she's actually able to push the poop out. if not she'll just kinda ooze from her vent.
She is pooping, but it is very runny and sticks to her bottom.
i would bathe her in warm epsom salt water for awhile. if you have supplementary antibiotic, i would personally recommend using it, as of this point the only way to tell if she's egg-bound is if she's very docile, hunched, wide legged (waddling), and uninterested in for the most part food or water. i strongly suggest you do heavier research on the subject as it could be the culprit of the problem you're seeking. being egg bound. beyond that the runny poo could be a number of ailments. i wish you luck. heck even an older girl comes up with an egg every once in awhile. look up the POULTRY DVM
I would not bathe her since she is acting sick, and is probably very weak. She could be suffering from internal laying or similar problems. My hen just died this week of similar symptoms. When I did a necropsy, she had ascites and I got a pint of amber fluid from her belly. Keep her warm and comfortable. Offer her water and some wet chicken feed. Chopped egg is usually accepted. Get some Poultry NutriDrench and give 2-3 ml daily a drop or two at a time. Check her crop to see if it is empty, full, soft, firm, or puffy. By early morning the crop should normally be empty.

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